‘Granny Pods’ Are New Housing Units That Allow Your Aging Parents To Live In Your Backyard


Aging can be one of the most difficult phases of life, and the loss of independence is often the most ambitious aspect. One outstanding innovation comes from a company in Blacksburg, Virginia, that has developed the MEDCottage, commonly known as a “granny pod.”

Living The Granny Pod Life

Granny pods provide a potential solution. These structures provide a private and accessible living space for seniors while allowing them to remain close to family.

There are three main models to consider:

The Mother Ship

A smaller, versatile option, the Mother Ship is created to sit on top of most RV platforms, making it easily transportable. This model allows for flexibility, possibly enabling seniors to live with different relatives in different locations.

The MEDCottage Classic

This is the most common model, delivered as a kit that can be assembled as a standalone structure. It measures 12 by 24 feet and features elegant French doors, supply ample space and comfort.

The Living Roo

Designed to fit within a double bay garage, this option is a more integrated living solution. A unique feature of the Living Roo is its high-definition monitors, framed to look like windows. These monitors are connected to outdoor cameras, giving the occupant the feeling of living in an open, separate space.

Comparing Granny Pods to Traditional Assisted Living

Granny pod is considered as a refreshing alternative to traditional assisted living facilities, offering personalized care that truly caters to the needs of seniors.

While the initial investment in a granny pod maybe increase significantly, many families find that it leads to long-term savings compared to the rising costs of assisted living.

Granny pods create a home-like atmosphere that improves emotional well-being. Elder people can maintain their independence while enjoying the security of being near family, which helps combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Costs and Considerations for Purchasing a Granny Pod

Buying a granny pod comes with a significant cost, ranging from $100,000 to $250,000, depending on the model and features selected. However, flexible payment plans are often available, making the purchase more accessible for families.